Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

NashMoney Designer Snickers


British artist Alex Nash (Alex Nash) is known for his excessive love of sports shoes. It was this obsession that caused the creation of a set of unique desktop speakers that became part of a design project called Intercity. The aim of the project is the ability of its participants to show the unusual in ordinary objects.

Alex took Nike Air Force 1 sneakers and turned them into something incredible - he made an active speaker system out of them. Each project participant must do something different and completely original. The winner will be selected every month until the end of June of this year.

Each shoe was stitched, and speakers were inserted into the sole. To make it look perfect, the designer spent a lot of time and effort. Stands for speakers, he also did with his own hands.

“I’m used to design, and didn’t even know that joinery and electronics are so interesting,” said Alex Nash.


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