Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

Korg Wavedrum Mini turns the surface of the table into drums


Among my friends there are those who constantly tap their fingers on the table or their feet on the floor. Whether this is connected with the love of music or the nervous system disorders, I do not know, but sometimes it is not a little annoying. If you are one of these "musicians", then the Korg Wavedrum Mini portable drum synthesizer is designed specifically for you.

Externally, the device looks like a miniature copy of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, which is attached to the drummer’s leg with a belt, and connected to the impact surface through a terminal. Slapping the table creates an extra amplified sound. The device works on six rechargeable batteries, one charge lasts for 4 hours.

You can record songs using the built-in keypad. More than 100 sound effects are loaded into the memory of the synthesizer.

The Korg Wavedrum Mini is expected to go on sale in the third quarter of this year. Cost is not called.



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