Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

Take care of hearing: do not abuse the sound

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At this pleasant holiday time, many of us will have to tear cellophane, eager to try out new Monster Beats headphones, a smartphone or an MP3 player. But before you yourself determine a comfortable sound level for yourself, we will give you some useful tips that will be useful to you in life. The point is sound.

Keep the volume at 50%

Players should play music “at the lowest possible volume at which the music will be heard perfectly. Set the volume at 50-60% of maximum to ensure safe listening. " So says Dr. Sharon Curhen (Sharon Curhan), who found that 1 in 5 adolescents are now suffering from hearing loss. This is a 5 percent increase since 1980.

You can listen to certain directions loudly, but not for long.

“If you are listening to electronics, heavy metal, hip-hop or rock with headphones, it is advisable to limit the listening time to 3.5 hours or even less with a volume of no more than 60%. The higher the volume, the lower the safe listening time (raising the volume to 70% will reduce the time to an hour, to 80% to half an hour). Folk, pop, classical rock and other music are characterized by average sound output parameters, so you can listen to them for a long time, but at a volume of not more than 60%. With a 50% loudness indicator, almost any type of music can be listened to indefinitely without harm to your ears. ”

Follow your hearing

Have you noticed that you have significantly increased the volume of listening to music since you listened to it for the first time? This is due to the work of tiny muscles in the ear, which are responsible for the movement of tiny bones, and they, in turn, transmit sound vibrations to the middle ear. The impact of loud music leads to what is called a "temporary threshold shift." In fact, this means that the ear becomes less sensitive to sound. In order to return to the previous level of the threshold, time is needed.

"It is important to know that with frequent shifts in the time threshold, a constant can occur, and it, in turn, will lead to a partial loss of hearing forever."

Do not drown out the noise

And although we have not yet received headphones that will selectively skip different sounds, there is often a tempting desire to drown out the squeal of the subway or the crying of a child with some tune louder. Yes, it is possible that in order to block out the surrounding noise, you will need not that much increase in volume, but your ears will feel the difference.

“Often, the factors that contribute to the increase in volume are not triggered by the adaptation of sensitivity, but by external factors, background noise and sounds. With increasing noise, we tend to make the music louder. Therefore, in a quiet environment, people usually listen to music at a low volume, but in the subway car they turn it on all. ”

A good doctor will recommend headphones that block noise in an electronic or technical way. If your new shiny headphones are not capable of this, you may want to visit the store again.


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