Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

Who is Sony's jail iPod for $ 50?

Sony SRF-39FP

Sony brand is widely known in the consumer electronics market. If in the smartphone segment the company is experiencing fierce competition from such technological giants as Apple and Samsung, then in the segment of mobile devices for the cons, there is no one to compete with.

Sony manufactures a wonderful device codenamed SRF-39FP. It is a pocket analog signal receiver in the AM / FM range, designed specifically for use in long-term detention facilities. The radio has become so widely popular in these circles that the local people began to call it the “prison iPod”, according to an entertaining article published by the American weekly The New Yorker.

Such popularity has arisen for a reason. This device is not a random product in the Sony portfolio. The SRF-39FP was purposefully designed as a radio for prisoners. This is evidenced not only by taking into account the information needs of users, but also by the last two letters in the name, which are decoded as “Federal Prison” (“Federal Prison”).


Sony SRF-39FP is dressed in a transparent case, which makes it difficult to smuggle smuggling into prison. Since the case of the device is made of very durable plastic, the risk of accidental damage is minimized. Since it uses a super-power receiver, the signal easily passes through the thick walls of modern prisons. But the most important value of the SRF-39FP is long battery life. The device can work as long as 40 hours on one AA battery.

Many people who served prisoners often donate their radios to cellmates, either from a sense of camaraderie, or for some other reason. But if you wish, the Sony SRF-39FP can still be found in specialty stores in the States, even though 15 years have passed since its release. It costs "prison iPod" about 50 dollars. There is a desire?

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