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There are pills for the development of absolute hearing

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For some, musical talent is bestowed from the very birth, and on someone's ears, on the contrary, a bear has been mercilessly trampling. Of course, you can develop an absolute ear due to years of training and hard work in specialized music schools. But, as it turned out quite recently, for the development of perfect hearing, you can just drink a course of certain pills.

The basis of an ideal musical ear is the ability to accurately recognize the height of a particular tone without comparing it with the sounds of an already known height, which ultimately leads to a more accurate perception of music. There are legends about many legendary musicians, such as the story that musicians from the group of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald set up their instruments, relying solely on her perfect hearing.

“Of course, perfect hearing is a human genetic component. It needs to be recognized in a child in early childhood and constantly developed, ”said Takao Hensch of Harvard, a professor of molecular and cellular biology.

Hensch is engaged in research in the field of medicines that allow the return of an adult's brain to the state it was in their childhood. After all, the child's brain absorbs new information much more efficiently and faster. The drug to achieve a similar state of the brain is valproic acid - a drug that is taken by patients with epilepsy and affective disorders. Valproic acid restores the plasticity of the adult brain to the state of a 7-year-old child.

Профессор Такао Хенш

“Valproic acid has always been considered a medicine to stabilize mood, but we found that it also restores the plasticity of the brain to a state in which human learning increases tenfold,” Takao told Hensch in an interview with NPR radio.

Under the supervision of a professor, a group of young people with no musical education took valproic acid for two weeks. After completing the course of the drug intake, they became much better at distinguishing the heights of the sounds they were playing.

The scientist believes that in addition to improving the musical ear, this medicine can help people quickly and effectively learn foreign languages, as well as any science, but immediately made a reservation that such a transition of the brain from one state to another can also harm a person.

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