Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

MyST OrtoPhones and IzoPhones - the first planar-magnetic headphones from Russia


Not so long ago, an event occurred which, due to its significance, is worthy of special mention. Sales of the first headphones started on the basis of emitters produced in Russia. And the first in this case was the company MyST , developed three models of overhead headphones with an isodynamic radiator.

About the company I already told in the reviews of their headphones Nails (part one and part two), so here I'll tell you about isodynamic models. This article is not an overview, since I have not heard these headphones, but I could not tell about a significant achievement of the Russian manufacturer.

Изодинамический излучатель MyST

Like many other things in audio, isodynamic radiators have been invented for a long time, it should be noted, for example, that this technology was used even in some Soviet headphones of the TDS series, produced in the 70s of the last century. Since then, progress in the manufacture of "ordinary" dynamic radiators has stepped forward, and about isodines have forgotten. The last few years there has been a return to this technology, primarily thanks to the efforts of HiFiMan, Audeze and Fostex.

Ортодинамический излучатель MyST

How do these emitters work?

Imagine a thin rectangular diaphragm-diaphragm, on whose surface the conductive paths are applied, their shape resembles a towel in the bathroom. This membrane is placed in the gap between two parallel lattices of magnets, forming such a two-sided "sandwich". When an audio signal is applied to the track, an electromagnetic field arises that interacts with the fields of permanent magnets. This interaction leads to the fact that the membrane comes into motion and moves the air, creating a sound.

Since the membrane in the isodynamic radiator is located between two magnetic gratings (there are modifications with one, but they are worse in characteristics), then the magnetic field in which it moves is more uniform than that of conventional radiators, and hence there are no distortions associated with it. In addition, isodynamic radiators are better in terms of speed characteristics and have higher detail. Another important factor, which speaks in favor of this design - it is easier to perform, so the foreground goes tuning the headphones to get high-quality sound. Also planar-magnetic radiators have a practically direct graph of the impedance versus frequency, which is not characteristic of other types of radiators.


Of the minuses in the isodynamic radiators, one can note their pickiness to the source, they are highly recommended for a high-quality DAC with a good amplifier, so headphones based on isodynamic drivers are the lot of the market for music lovers and audiophiles.

Orthodynamic headphones are constructed similarly to isodynamic, but their diffuser has a round shape, and the tracks are spiral.

But from the theory back to practice, headphones MyST. To not soar for a long time, the developers named their models IzoPhones-30, IzoPhones-60 and OrtoPhones. From the name it becomes clear which emitters are used in each of the models, and the numbers in the name of "isophones" designate the impedance. All three models are assembled in harsh cases of real metal, with a headband and ear cushions made of leather and velvet, so they can survive even severe treatment. The payment for this is a considerable weight, about 650 grams. Design - the simplest, as it can be (this is generally a proprietary feature of the company's products, from amplifiers and ending with headphones-inserts).

И еще раз изофоны

IzoPhones-30 (39,000 rubles) and IzoPhones-60 (43 000 rubles.), According to the developers, are distinguished by a smooth and detailed sound, comparable in level with the top HiFiMan models. The younger model with an impedance of 30Ω uses a thicker membrane (12 microns versus 5 microns in a 60Ω model), so the 60's are lighter with higher returns at higher frequencies.

OrtoPhones (47,000 rubles on pre-order) use the world's first orthodynamics with a diameter of the area occupied by tracks of 80 mm (for comparison: in popular Oppo PM-1 only 40 mm). This made it possible to achieve a powerful return on the LF, while maintaining an incredible purity and resolution of the midrange and high-frequency range. Headphones are in the final stages of development, sales will begin soon after the New Year.


Doing something entirely in Russia is difficult and financially expensive, so it's especially pleasant that there are still people who are ready to develop and produce equipment, really (and not in words, like most), capable of competing with top models of world manufacturers .

The article is based on materials
