Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

Roli released an affordable piano with rubber keys


The British start-up Roli released a new version of its rubber-coated synthesizer: it became a little smaller and much more affordable. Seaboard Rise was created as the most portable version of the Seaboard Grand tool, released a few years ago. The novelty has only 25 keys - Roli calls them "clavones", because they really look like waves on a black surface; At the same time, the smallest iteration of its "big brother" has 37 keys.

Due to the reduced size the synthesizer will cost you only $ 800, which is much cheaper than the most affordable version of Grand (1999 dollars), especially if you are not a professional.

By the way, these "clavs" on the Seaboard are not just ordinary keys covered with rubber coating. You can physically bend them, press and "pinch" them to play different sounds. To understand how they work, take a look at this old demo video with the creator of the Roland Lamb device:

Liked? On site the startup is already available for pre-order, Seabord Rise shipments will begin on October 9th.

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