Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

Boeing is going to extract energy from the noise of airplanes


The airport is very loud. At a distance of 25 meters, the noise of the engines of the take-off aircraft reaches 150 decibels. That's enough to break your eardrums. But this terrible noise can be used, according to Boeing. The company is developing a way of generating electricity from the roar of engines.

The new patent, issued by Boeing, sets out the fundamentals of technology. The first step will be the installation of "sound wave collectors" along the runway. Such collectors look like satellite dishes, but in practice they are huge "ears". These "ears" will be directed toward the source of sound, and noise caused by vibration will drive the turbine. The electricity received in this way will be returned to the airport.


But will this work? The calculations of scientists show that there will be. In 2011, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology already raised this topic, and it was enthusiastically welcomed by experts. But with a few caveats:

"There is definitely energy in this sound," said David Cohen-Tanugi, vice president of the MIT Energy Club. "But the density of this energy is very low, and there is no way to capture it all." You will need very loud and long noise to get any results. "

And where can we find such a place? Of course, at the airports!

Of course, it's worth noting that many other Boeing developments have not become a reality (at least for now). So there is no guarantee that this patent will ever come in handy, but maybe one day our runways will be dotted around the edges with huge "ears" plates.

Based on the materials of Popular Mechanics

The article is based on materials
