Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

Learning headphones Lear NS-U1 - how to trick our brain

1 Main Pic

About a year ago, Lear, about which I wrote a lot of headphones (LUF-4F, BD-4.2, AE-1D), introduced a new technology called NSS. This technology is aimed at improving the perception of surround sound in headphones-plugs (something that is not entirely true, but is commonly called the "scene"). And here I was visited on the review of the first headphones with this technology, called Natro Sound, or abbreviated NS. By the way, headphones themselves received the index NS-U1.

Actually, what is this technology? I already wrote about it in the announcement of these headphones (the link in the first paragraph), but now, perhaps, I will briefly repeat. How does our brain determine the exact direction to the sound source? One of the key roles in this is the delay. Suppose a sound came from the right: first, the right ear would hear it, and then, after a split second, it would fly to the left, but slightly weakened. Our brain with incredible accuracy "measures" this delay and attenuation and on the basis of these data determines the direction to the source. Of course, the process is a little more complicated, it involves both re-reflections from the auricles and many other small factors, but the main data is just the delay and the weakening of the volume. When we listen to the headphones, each ear hears only its "own" signal, and therefore the brain does not receive information about the "volume". Fortunately (or not very fortunately), our brain is capable of much adaptation, and this case is no exception. Without receiving the necessary information, he begins to complete an imaginary scene, but the brain of different people works differently, therefore the received "volume" is very subjective and much inferior to what we hear at a real concert or even while listening to the speakers.

2 Box

How can this be combated? There are actually two options. The first is to take into account listening in headphones while recording, adding the necessary interpenetration of channels, or, even better, using the methods of binaural recording. The problem is that the overwhelming majority of existing music is already recorded for listening on acoustic systems and no one will be reassigned again. And in general, the demand for binaural records is small, so no one is in a hurry to release them.

The second option is to "mix" the channels during the playback stage. A similar solution is called a crossfade. This can be done by a player (for example, Vox and Fidelia can do it) or an amplifier (different manufacturers have tried it in their models, starting with the budget Fiio E12 and ending with expensive models from SPL). Unfortunately, the results are not always good, especially in digital implementation.

In Lear they decided to go their own way and made two-driver headphones, in which one speaker plays its own signal, and the second - the signal of the opposite channel with a delay and a lower volume. This allows you to simulate how a track should sound in the real world, but how much does it work in reality?

3 Accessories

Before turning to the review, it is worth mentioning about the price. These earphones are sold in online store Lear for about $ 217, and the kit includes an alternative cable NSC-03, and this is a really useful thing.


The characteristics are given with the cable NSC-01

  • Emitter: 2 × 6 mm dynamic radiator
  • Frequency range: 10 Hz ~ 20 kHz
  • Impedance: 30Ω @ 1000 Hz with NS off, 16Ω @ 1000 Hz with NS on
  • Sensitivity: 105 dB / mW with NS off, 104 dB / mW with NS on

Packing and delivery kit

Here everything is traditionally for Lear very well. The outer box is compact, it is made of thick cardboard, on the top cover there is a schematic silhouette of the headphones themselves. Inside is a storage jar, familiar from other Lear products, this time made from rubberized soft-touch plastic, and a cardboard box with accessories. In addition to the headphones themselves, you get two interchangeable cables (NSC-01 and NSC-03), three pairs of silicone attachments and two pairs of foam. Naturally, it was not bundled without different pieces of paper.

4 Iverview

Design and comfortable wearing

The body of the headphones is made of glossy plastic, and in Lear they tried to squeeze out as much as possible from it. NS-U1 exist in two color variants: blue-black and gray-black. In both colors one goes to the other with a nice gradient effect, it looks interesting. Headphones are ergonomically rounded and designed for breezing. Their main feature is the very large dimensions of the hull, apparently, necessary for the placement of two radiators. They sat in my ears normally, but for owners of small ears, planting this model can be a problem. Subjectively, I do not have any complaints about ergonomics, headphones wear comfortably and do not press anywhere. With the correct selection of nozzles, the insulation is at a typical average level.

5 Size Comparision

The wires of this model are replaceable, since each headphone has two separate emitters, a non-standard four-pin connector is used, so when connecting it, attention should be paid to the indicator points showing the correct orientation of the wire. The first, standard wire NSC-01 is made with a one-button headset and an NS effect switch on the splitter unit. NSC-03 has a more complex design, besides the switch, it also has two potentiometers, one adjusts the "strength of the effect" NS, the second allows you to flexibly change the amount of bass (this, incidentally, is really useful). Both wires are made thick enough, in rubberized insulation. In the cold, they moderately harden, the microphone effect is expressed in medium. There are areas with a memory effect that make it possible to form zaushiny, but they are heavily bent, so they have to tinker with a little, but after the correct buckling problems with them does not arise. The NSC-03 plug is made angular, but very long, so it protrudes quite noticeably from the device.

The quality of execution is traditionally good for the company, in the latest revisions of the model there are no flaws in the assembly.

6 Control


The following equipment was used for listening.

  • NuPrime DAC-10H and Resonessence Labs Concero HP as DAC and Amplifier
  • Apple MacBook Pro Retina 2013 as a source
  • Fidelia as a player
  • Fiio X7 and Luxury & Precission L5Pro as portable players
  • High Definition Records in Lossless-formats (Dr. Chesky The Ultimate Headphone Demonstration Disc and others)

Before listening to the headphones were warmed for 48 hours.

7 Connector

Lear tried to do everything to ensure the maximum possible settings in the sound. The result depends strongly on the cable used and the NS mode.

For a start about the sound with NSC-01 cable. This wire clearly gives the sound of the model a dark character with a massive bass. LF raised somewhere 10 dB and go into the depths of the sabbas, leaving the user with all this pressure one on one. The inclusion of NS makes the sound even more fleshy for the joy of the bassheads. In general, with the first wire, these headphones are a typical good model for bass lovers, with a strong emphasis on bass, but also normal working out the rest of the band (if you can hear it for the dominant bass).

Taking into account this problem, Lear made the NSC-03, providing its adjustment by LF, which allows you to choose the character of the headphones from almost neutral to clearly bass at the level of NSC-01. Picking up a comfortable level for yourself, you get typical low-frequency modern dynamic headphones, there will be no super-resolution, but there are no special complaints about the speed either. The midrange is set aside to produce a "typical" U-shaped frequency response. The speed is not bad, but they obviously do not dominate quantitatively. VCH are also slightly elevated, but without excess aggressiveness and brightness. In general, without the NS - headphones are good typical "dynamos" for fans of the combined feed.

8 With Cayin N5

When NS is turned on, the amusing focus takes place, the scene becomes slightly narrower, but at the same time the depth increases, in addition, the imaginary sound sources are shifted forward, the sound from the usual "on the sides of the head" turns into "ahead of you". For some tracks, this is great for the good, on some - the effect is not very noticeable, occasionally it goes to the compositions to the detriment. From personal experience - well this effect "comes" on jazz-blues records, on chamber music, vocals. Bad this effect works with a different metal and brutal. Modern pop music does not help at all, including the NS-effect. In addition, the inclusion of NS increases the number of LFs, so they have to be tweaked less (thanks to Lear for the adjustment).


In general, using headphones with phones and smartphones makes little sense. Also a bit of it in use with top players. Optimum for them are the solutions of the mid-budget segment: Hidizs AP100, Fiio X3-2, Shanling M2.

9 Socket

I already wrote about the genre compatibility of headphones, they are very tolerant to low-quality records, since they have their own characteristic feed and do not stress their shortcomings. By the way, even these headphones are well suited for watching movies and games, there is the benefit of emphasizing the LF, and additional depth.

Several tracks that are well suited for demonstrating the NS-effect.

Hugh Laurie - Wild Honey. The piano, the vocalist and the backing are the basis of this composition. The inclusion of NS contributes to their placement in depth and enhances the immersion in the track.

Interstellar OST - Cornfield Chase. Well, yes, this mixture of classics and ambience, of course, benefits from a deep multi-dimensional construction of the scene, and the ability of the headphones to win back the lowest bass, which there are many, also adds performance compositions.

Juno Reactor - Guillotine. The components of success remain unchanged: deep bass and excellent three-dimensional positioning of signal sources on an imaginary scene is what smart electronic music needs.

10 Again with Cayin N5


In general, these headphones are a bold experiment and are aimed at those who want to try something new. By sound, they are very good, and the price is set at a level comparable to the sound models, so the NS-effect is a pleasant free bonus of this model. The only thing that causes complaints is ergonomics, so for those who want high-quality headphones with a dynamic radiator, and the crossfade does not interest him, it's better to take a closer look at Lear LHF-AE1d, the sound is slightly better, and the landing is more comfortable. Although on some tracks NS is really worth hearing, it really does what it is intended for.

The article is based on materials
