Audio speaker in the form of a skull.

ION Mustang LP - like the legendary Ford, only the player

True connoisseurs of sound know that vinyl records have a characteristic, only their characteristic sound. That's why vinyl recorders still do not lose their relevance. They always aroused interest, but when it comes to combining the cult way of playing music and the car being a legend, things take a completely different turn.

Even the box from the player ION Mustang LP already tunes in a classic way and at a time when it was not just the Ford Mustang that had just appeared, but when there was a golden time for rock'n'roll. One can argue which decade was the golden one for this style of music, especially the lamp-like sound on the records, but still it was earlier when the American classics were such as the Ford Mustang, and in the world there was not even a sound cassette, -Discs.

When you get the player, the feeling of classics only increases. The top surface is varnished. The cover has a classic Mustang logo, and it opens like a hood, under which is all the fun.

Built-in on the sides of the speakers are also made in a classic style. But most of all the nostalgia is caused by the front panel, on which there are large radio and volume volume toggle switches, and control buttons made for chrome, and the FM / AM tuner scale, made in the form of a speedometer.

The "twists" of the volume are especially impressive in how softly they spin and that they are combined with the arrow-pointer built into them, which moves along the scale, but the background remains motionless. Technically, the solution is simple, but it's beautifully implemented.

The quality of the materials does not raise any questions. External parts of the body are plastic, but it still looks and feels very good, and the fonts are chosen very well and look at the body as harmoniously as possible.

Built-in speakers in the design of two. Their peak power is 1.2 watts. The sound from them is predictably not the best, but for listening to the radio in general, enough. Just do not wait for the wonders of these speakers, because they are very small and built-in.

But on the back there are "tulips", which serve as a linear output. Through them, you can connect a much more serious acoustics. It turns out that the choice is limited only by its availability or the amount that you are willing to spend on its acquisition.

The radio is caught qualitatively, and the antenna is built into the back of the case. The downside is that it is not extracted, but it is unlikely to interfere.

About the playback mechanism of the records, there is nothing to say, since nothing new can be invented here. The only thing, unlike many other players, a felt rug is already installed, and it will not have to be stacked separately, it is glued.

The needle holder is raised for placement on the plate, and the needle itself is protected with a cap. The speed of rotation of the plate can be changed, choosing from 33, 45, 78 revolutions per minute, so that there are no problems with the reproduction of any plates. There is also an automatic stop switch for the plate at the end of playback.

In addition to playback, the records can be digitized in MP3 format, so that you can then listen to rare recordings on other devices. To do this, there is a USB connector on the front panel, into which the drive is inserted. You can also connect the player to a computer running Windows and MacOS.

On the opposite side of the front panel is a mini jack for headphones and AUX for connecting the player.

All the same, the main feature will be the appearance, which this player has uniquely high. The cost of such a pleasure is 14,990 rubles on the official website of the manufacturer, which does not seem such a large sum for the official product, which is made so high quality and in such an unusual performance.

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